On this page
If you or someone you know has experienced violence or sexual harm now or in the past, help is available.
Below is a list of services that are free and confidential and won’t judge you for reaching our for help or advice.
For help right now
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 111 right now.
Safe to Talk: Free call 0800 044 334, or free text 4334 to talk to trained counsellors for sexual harm 24/7.
They can provide someone who can speak in your Pasifika language if you prefer – just let them know. You can also live chat with a counsellor 24/7.
Need to talk: Free call or free text 1737 any time. Talk to trained counsellors about your wellbeing 24/7.
Support for sexual violence
ACC Support: ACC’s sensitive claims unit provides free and confidential access to support (including therapy) for people affected by sexual violence in any way. Visit www.findsupport.co.nz, free call 0800 733 842 or email sensitiveclaims@acc.co.nz. For all other enquiries or injuries as a result of family violence free call 0800 222 822 or visit www.acc.co.nz.
0800 HeyBro (0800 439 276)
Victim Support 0800 842 846
Rape Crisis 0800 88 33 00
HELP Call 0800 623 1700 (24-hour HELPline) or email: gethelp@helpauckland.org.nz
Text: 8236
SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) 022 344 0496
Support for family violence
Family violence: Free call 0800 456 450. Provides self-help information and connects people to services. Available 9am-11pm.
Women’s Refuge: Free call 0800 733 843. Information and support for women and children, available 24/7.
Shine: Free call 0508 744 633. Information and advice for domestic abuse, available 24/7 for anyone in Aotearoa to call.
Pasifika Proud: A campaign tailored specifically for family violence within Pasifika communities.
Family Services Directory: A list of social services that provide support to families.
Support for young people
Aunty Dee: For online support to help you solve your problems.
The Lowdown: Free text 5626 for information and support for young people about depression and anxiety.
0800 What’s Up: Free call 0800 942 8787 or online chat. A free counselling service for young people aged 5 to 18 years. Live chat with a counsellor available 5pm-10pm.
Youthline: Free call 0800 376 633 or free text 234 for free support for young people. Live web chat with a counsellor available 5pm-9pm.
For more information about Atu-Mai, please contact the team by emailing us on atumai@leva.co.nz