Since 2018, Le Va has pioneered Aotearoa’s first national Pasifika violence primary prevention programme, Atu-Mai, empowering Pasifika families to live violence-free lives.
The programme name is based on the Cook Islands proverb ‘I te aro’a atu, i te aro’a mai – love given, love received’. When we treat others well, we get kindness in return. This is a core ingredient for growing healthy and safe relationships and connects to our Pasifika cultural value of reciprocity.
Since initially targeting family violence, in 2023 Le Va shifted its focus to preventing sexual violence and working towards stopping child sexual abuse.
Atu-Mai promotes primary prevention using a systems-aware community mobilisation approach that aligns with Pasifika values. Our evidence-based programmes are driven by community leadership, expert knowledge, and sector engagement.
Community mobilisation for generational change
In partnership with ACC, the Atu-Mai team is working with community leaders and organisations, providing them with training and resources to support them to prevent violence in their communities. By working together and taking an eight-pillar systems approach, we can work towards long-term impact and change.
To access online learning modules, visit our Atu-Mai eLearning website.
For more information about Atu-Mai, please contact the team by emailing us on
Violence prevention support
If you are looking for support or need to talk to someone about family violence, sexual harm or child sexual abuse, please visit our page on Violence prevention support.