Primary Mental Health & Addictions Enhanced Competencies for Pasifika

This survey will take approximately 11 minutes to complete.

This survey is for Enhanced Competencies only and should be completed after the Foundational Competency Survey.

Section 1: Enhanced Competencies for Preparedness - Preparing to take this journey

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Awareness of relationship dynamics in the va between person and professional and the potential impact they can have on a person's care
Recognises the potential of the therapeutic relationship to empower and develop motivation to change
Recognises the impact that personal events can have on own wellbeing
Supports humility, love, dignity and respect
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Able to develop a basic formulation of person’s/family’s need
Knows the depth of time and energy a client situation may take
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Can identify person’s readiness to engage with supports
Can use strategies such as Motivational interviewing in culturally specific manner
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Utilises Pasifika languages and/or cultural approaches to describe service
Demonstrates strong relational awareness when forming relationships
Demonstrates strong reflective practice and self-care
Helps with development of service resources and information in Pasifika languages
Helps with development of promotional resources (e.g., websites, social media platforms) that describe services provided for the community

Section 2: Enhanced Competencies for Engagement - Boarding the Vaka

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Increased knowledge of cultural rituals, Pasifika protocols and values, and uses these regularly in practice
Appreciates the importance of mana, humility, and respect in creating safe spaces
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Understands the impact that prejudice, discrimination, and intergenerational trauma can have on engagement
Promotes balance in power dynamics and values, and builds the power of the person safely, through dignity and respect
Encourages spiritual safety according to the person's beliefs
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Has a thorough understanding of mental health and addictions challenges and associated psychosocial stressors
Understands the value of talanoa in the process of engagement
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Intentionally applies micro counselling skills within the Va to enhance engagement
Can discern and plan next steps using referral information
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Demonstrates Pasifika values in behaviour
Seeks cultural knowledge when needed
Addresses any risk or psychological distress at time of presentation

Section 3: Enhanced Competencies for Exploring Needs - Navigating with the Environment

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Promotes awareness and inclusion of different family and community structures
Promotes the use of Pacific modes of communication
Open to and values different assessment methods
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Understands how talanoa provides valuable assessment information
Has knowledge of family systems and collective understandings
Knowledge and application of tools and assessments fit for service (e.g., Kessler, PHQ-9, HEEADSSS, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire etc)
Knowledge and application of assessment tools for addictions and co-existing problems (e.g., Substances and Choices Scale)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Can conduct a comprehensive holistic assessment that integrates clinical and cultural components
Can identify other areas of support for person/family and help to connect people to these supports
Can conduct a risk assessment and develop a safety plan with person (and their family)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Ensures family’s needs are addressed and that parents and children have access to appropriate supports
Facilitates referrals to specialist service for diagnostic clarification or other specialist treatment intervention

Section 4: Enhanced Competencies for Shared Understanding - Knowing where we are going

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Is aware of the role of faith in taking steps forward
Is aware of co-creation in treatment planning
Understands the importance of language and communication in shared meaning
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Encourages person/family involvement and input at each step of treatment planning
Promotes the person's / family's use / method of language
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Understands a variety of case formulation approaches, such as the 5 P’s, and utilizes to guide intervention plans
Thorough understanding of person’s / family’s needs in more complex situations (e.g., when CEP / comorbidities exist)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Ability to formulate in a cultural context
Can translate 'clinical speak' into client's language through the use of metaphor or client's language that people can understand
Can negotiate focus of care with person and their family based on shared understanding
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Demonstrates including a person's 'village of support' where appropriate to enhance shared understanding
Demonstrates co-creation in treatment planning, and during treatment process
Demonstrates thorough understanding of person's / family's needs in more complex situations (e.g., when CEP / comorbidities exist)
Continually revises and checks in on both long term and immediate directions

Section 5: Enhanced Competencies for Collaborative Action - Hoisting Sails

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Works collaboratively with cultural experts and peers
Encourages the person's growth and recognises it is often cyclical
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Understands the continuum of substance use and can identify appropriate intervention for person
Understands how to grow and develop skills
Understands principles of coaching
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Is confident in facilitating and/or applying cultural interventions
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: FACT
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: ACT
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: Problem Solving / Solution Focused Therapy
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: Family-based therapies
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: DBT-based approaches
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: Sensory modulation
Is confident in applying evidence-based interventions: Group-based therapies

Additional intervention examples

Please list any interventions not included above and rate your level of development (support needed) for each.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Integrates cultural practices into best practice treatments
Reviews and updates care plans
Able to collaboratively make intervention plans and tailor as necessary
Appropriately scaffolds learning of person's / family's skills
Uses trauma informed principles in practice

Section 6: Enhanced Competencies for Connection and Mapping - In a Fleet

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Advocates for the wellbeing of person and family using a Pasifika worldview of “good health” when liaising with other services
Empowers other agencies in the work they do
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Supports autonomous independence of Pasifika families engaged with services (supporting people to be drivers of their care without prolonged service involvement)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Can work with local agencies
Actively supports linkages and connections to other support organisations involved in the care of person and their family
Actively engages with the other agencies to support different areas of wellbeing - i.e., physical, spiritual, addictions etc

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.