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8,000 LifeKeepers – a milestone!

Published: December 8, 2021

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini!
The success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success, but the success of the collective.

As we approach the conclusion of another full year, the Le Va LifeKeepers team reflect on the year that has been.

Having travelled from the deep South to the top of the North, the LifeKeepers team have had the privilege and honour to connect with thousands of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in their communities.

It is a momentous occasion to share the collective efforts of many, bringing us now to over 8,000 certified LifeKeepers across Aotearoa New Zealand, trained in suicide prevention. This means that these incredible individuals are nestled amongst our communities supporting whānau in distress, to prevent suicide.

Preventing suicide is everybody’s business and our team of 8,000 recognise that one life lost is one too many! It is for this reason that we all work diligently to enhance and increase our Communities of C.A.R.E across the motu:

Connecting with Compassion,

Asking with Courage

Responding with Confidence and

Engaging with Community Supports

On behalf of our LifeKeepers suicide prevention team here at Le Va, we want to take the opportunity to thank each and every single one of you. We thank you for your aroha, your compassion, your care, your resilience and your mana enhancing messages of hope to protect the whakapapa of our many, here in Aotearoa New Zealand and across the Pacific.

“I just wanted to let you know how profoundly grateful I am to you, for allowing me to do this course. It has certainly changed my outlook and given me the confidence to address these difficult issues with compassion and confidence. I wish I had the opportunity to do this course a couple of years ago and also wish that others struggling with these issues were aware of it and able to access it. Thank you so much”.

Participant feedback (2021)

On behalf of the Le Va LifeKeepers team, ngā mihi o te wā, mā te atua tātou e manaaki!

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