Sean Tuiloma

Appointed as Executive Assistant, I am responsible for supporting our Chief Executive Officer. Prior to joining Le Va, I have over 9 years of experience working for the New Zealand public sector, primarily within the Justice and Correctional Services. My strengths are...

Kirsten Brown

Malo e lelei, kia ora koutou, my name is Kirsten Brown and I am a proud wāhine toa of Tongan, Māori (Ngāti Awa), and Pākehā heritage. I had the honour of joining Le Va in April 2023, where my role as Communications and Engagement Manager allows me to share the stories...

Paul Tupou-Vea

Ko Tongatapu te motu, Ko Te Moana Nui a Kiwa te moana, He Tangata Tiriti ahau. I’m a proud Aotearoa-born son to amazing Tongan parents – mother (Ha’ateiho, Pea) and father (Kolomotu’a) from Tongatapu. My work, mainly in Tāmaki Makaurau over the last 20 years,...

Mark Esekielu

Talofa lava, My name is Mark Esekielu. I grew up in Auckland with a house full of family migrating from Fasito’otai and Letogo in the beautiful island of Samoa. Attending church services and living in a community filled of other Pasifika people has laid the foundation...

Tiana Watkins

Tēnā koe, I am a mokopuna, daughter, mother and grandmother hailing from Tauranga Moana where my tīpuna arrived on both the Mataatua and Takitumu waka. I whakapapa to all three iwi Ngai te Rangi, Ngati Pukenga and Ngati Ranginui; I also whakapapa to Ngāi Tahu (Kai...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.