Melanie Goodwright

Kia orana, I am Mel. I’m an Aotearoa born Aitutakian/European, proudly raised in Kirikiriroa Hamilton, Waikato. I am an alumna of the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology and for the past five years, I have been dedicated to advancing...

John Apelu Crouch

Talofa lava, my name is John Apelu Crouch, and I joined Le Va in August of 2022 as a Project Coordinator for our Atu-Mai team. I am Samoa-born and raised in the village of Tufulele. I joined Le Va with the purpose to use its evidence-based resources to change the...

Jim Stretton

Talofa lava My name is Jim To’o Filiva’a Stretton and I joined Le Va in January 2022 as a Youth Project Coordinator for the youth wellbeing programme. I am of Samoan and European descent and I hail from the villages of Saleimoa, Iva and Salelologa. I am married to the...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.