Waka Hourua

Joint Te Rau Matatini and Le Va Media Release 11 November 2016 WAKA HOURUA The Waka Hourua National Leadership group is pleased the Ministry of Health has released the Suicide Facts: Deaths and intentional self-harm hospitalisations: 2013, it is important data on...

A voice for Pasifika disability support

The purpose of the leadership group is to provide quality advice and support to the Ministry of Health and its funded disability support services on issues relating to Pasifika people with disabilities, their family members and aiga.  That includes advice on the...

Le Tautua Alumni receives research award

Earlier this year, Le Va facilitated Le Tautua Alumni leadership programme; “O le ala i le pule, o le tautua (The pathway to authority is through service)”.  Le Va supports Pacific leaders to develop their unique cultural leadership perspectives and enhance their...

Understanding the culture of “Uso Bike Ride”

Guest Blog Improving the health of Polynesian people through cycling. Uso Bike Ride is a platform for Polynesian people to connect and be inspired through cycling – you don’t need a flash bike.  As long as you have two wheels a helmet, a sense of humour and...

Together we will achieve a sugary-drink free Aotearoa

FIZZ is a group of researchers and public health doctors who have joinned forces to advoate for ending the sale of sugar sweetened beverages from New Zealand. The group will hold Toward a Sugary-drink Free Aotearoa symposium in Wellington on Tuesday 11th October. ...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.