Online aunty helps young people solve problems

A new website developed by Le Va called ‘Aunty Dee’ is helping young Pasifika and Māori cope with stressful life experiences by providing them with a step-by-step structured approach to problem solving; something that is not necessarily learned in families where...

Sowing success from scattered seeds

Guest blog from Olivia Salanoa, Pacific Mental Health and Addiction Scholarship recipient Talofa Lava.  My name is Olivia Salanoa and I am a proud recipient of a Pacific Mental Health and Addiction Scholarship, which has supported me to the completion of my Bachelor...

Le Tautua alumni perspective of Matau Mana Moana (M3)

Guest blog from Apollo Taito I recently attended the Le Tautua M3 leadership development workshop; the first of three workshops with a focus on contextualising Pacific leadership in a New Zealand environment. Admittedly, when the invitation first arrived, I was...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.