A snapshot of Pasifika people with disabilities

Recent research shows that 24 per cent of New Zealanders live with a disability. The rate of disability among Pasifika people is 19 per cent and, after adjusting for difference in population age profile, the rate for Pasifika is higher than average at 26 per cent....

Presentation to the Public Health Leadership Programme 2016

The Public Heath Leadership Programme is designed for public health leaders in New Zealand, and is funded by the Ministry of Health. It has been developed following extensive consultation and aims to build leadership within the public health sector. It was my recent...

Connecting Pasifika in Te Tai Tokerau

Guest blog by Te Hiwi Preston. As a FLO Talanoa facilitator, and the Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) FLO Ambassador, I delivered the inaugural Pasifika suicide prevention workshop for communities on Thursday, 9 June in Te Tai Tokerau, Northland. Attendance was high, with...

FLO Talanoa – community empowerment in action

Pasifika communities are empowered into action after attending a FLO Talanoa community workshop run by one of the 74 trained FLO Talanoa suicide prevention facilitators. Every FLO Talanoa facilitator has completed the free two-day training delivered by Le Va staff,...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.