Walking the talk for holistic wellbeing

Le Va’s Cultural and Relationship Manager, Saveatama Eroni Clarke, became a vegan for the month of October to kindle a healthier lifestyle.  Family has always been important to Eroni, and so he has evolved his own patterns of behaviour, for better health, and has...

Courage to show you care

Having lost his job, the family home and his 15-year-old son – Kelly – by suicide in 2000, Zack Makoare spent the following seven years agonising as to why. It was to be the start of a journey to deal with his anger and grief. Zack set up the Te Taitimu...

Supervision guidelines for Pasifika

Supervision, cultural supervision or advice when working with Pasifika families is essential for cultural safety. Le Va’s work contributed to Te Pou’s recently updated supervision guidelines for developing the mental health nursing workforce, so we thought we’d give a...

GPS Regional Satellite Seminar 2K17: Recap

On Wednesday 6 September 2017, Le Va held the last of its regional GPS Satellite Seminars in Wellington, at Te Papa. This seminar was different from the previous two GPS seminars, as it was co-facilitated with Drua, our national Pasifika addiction network, preceding...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.