Levelling up online gamer wellbeing at Winter Armageddon

Over 31,000 online gamers, cosplay enthusiasts, comic collectors, esports champions, and genuinely interested New Zealanders packed into the Auckland ASB showgrounds for this year’s Winter Armageddon expo event. As the mental health organisation supporting the online...

Emerging youth leadership: Le Tautua 2022

Being a leader is creating space for others to also thrive and be leaders themselves too. It’s not an individual journey but a collective one where you collaborate with your team and also empower them. – Le Tautua participant The year 2022 marked 14 years of Le Va’s...

Kinaa (Recognise), Kibaria (Succour), Totokoia (Prevent)

The Ribanaia Women’s Group is a Wellington-based Kiribati women’s club that meet regularly and acknowledge the importance of their role as mothers and grandmothers who are instrumental in keeping their Kiribati language and heritage alive for their families and...

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.