Tu Tonu Cultural Case Formulation

Tu Tonu Cultural Case Formulation training is an enhanced level training for registered healthcare professionals working within Pasifika Access & Choice services. The training focuses on developing knowledge and skills to create culturally informed case formulations using the Tu Tonu matrix as a tool.

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After a Tu Tonu Cultural Case Formulation training, participants will:

  • develop a clear understanding about formulations
  • gain understanding about cultural case formulations and the benefits they provide to health professionals and tagata ola
  • grow in understanding about the Tu Tonu tool and how it can guide treatment plans
  • grow in confidence to apply Tu Tonu in practice.

Is this training for you?

This training is recommended for registered healthcare professionals working within Pasifika Primary Mental Health and Addiction services (for example, registered counsellors, psychologists, social workers, health improvement practitioners). Practitioners working in Pasifika Access and Choice services will be given first priority in registering for these workshops. If you have any questions, please email pasifikaprimarymha@leva.co.nz and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.