Navigating towards a healthier relationship: Fathers Fono

Afamasaga’s approach to parenting has changed. He is more conscious about the way he speaks, and more intentional about how he responds to his son. Through the lessons shared at the fono, he has developed a healthier relationship with his family. The wider benefits of his parenting journey has also included reconnecting with his father.
What I like most about the fathers fono, is the open discussions and just good old fashioned talanoa. It enlightened my train of thought for my own personal growth as a new father. It has also helped me want to reunite with my biological father. – Afamasaga
He is now giving more praise and encouragement to his child, who is more engaged in playful learning. By honing his new skills in active listening and supporting routines, his child is more receptive to calm instructions and loving bed-time routines.
To join us at Fathers Fono, register your interest at Events Registration – Le Va