Primary Mental Health & Addictions Leadership Competencies for Pasifika

This survey will take approximately 11 minutes to complete.

This survey is for Leadership Competencies only, and should be completed after the Foundational Competency Survey.

Section 1: Leadership Competencies for Preparedness - Preparing to take this Journey

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Encourages awareness of self-reflective practices within the services
Aware of the impact team structure can have on service safety and delivery
Aware of power dynamics that may exist within teams, communities, and the wider sector, and how these can impact service delivery
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Encourages and empowers Pacific teams members to develop and grow
Is willing to learn new ways of knowing and practicing in ways that integrate clinical and cultural knowledge and skills
Sets realistic expectations for team and team members and recognises team limitations, and areas of growth
Aspires to develop services that are client centered and innovative
Promotes humility and love, dignity, and respect in team and with people
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Has knowledge of leadership and management from both Western and Pacific perspectives; traditional and contemporary
Has adequate management skills to ensure safety of team members and people
Is aware of what resources may be required
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Can facilitate learning or training opportunities for colleagues in recovery orientated brief interventions such as Motivation Interviewing, and Trauma Informed Practice
Can apply contemporary models of leadership and innovation
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Supports staff with role and service provision boundaries and guidelines
Supports learning and professional development needs of all staff (including supervision)
Ensures team safety and resourcing is adequate
Supports staff to understand and adhere to legislation, regulations, standards, codes and policies, appropriate to role
Supports a team culture of self-compassion and practicing of self-care

Section 2: Leadership Competencies for Engagement - Boarding the Vaka

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Provides ongoing support for service cultural competency
Promotes dignity, shared power, and respect in team culture
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Develops and supports systems, policies, and processes that addresses biases, privilege, racism, and stereotypes that impact on Pasifika
Promotes humility and love within the team
Encourages spiritual safety for all the team
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Able to collaborate with communities through co-design on how to improve access, engagement, and overall service quality
Knows and understands when it is appropriate for staff to engage digitally / remotely
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Implements strategies to improve access and engagement for Pasifika people into the service
Has strategies and systems in place to ensure services acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi to work collaboratively with tangata whenua Māori
Creates networks for the team to seek cultural knowledge and support
Develops and supports systems, policies and processes that supports family engagement in a person’s recovery
Evaluates engagement, outcomes and development for the service

Section 3: Leadership Competencies for Exploring Needs - Navigating the Environment

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Participates in opportunities focused on validating Pacific models and tools
Promotes the use of Talanoa in assessment
Actively promotes family, and collective analysis in assessment
Actively promotes spiritual context in assessment
Actively involved in the development of cultural assessment tools for Pasifika
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Is aware of cultural, clinical, and family / systemic models of assessment
Has professional development supports in place that support staff with identifying and responding to moderate-severe MHA presentations
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Can share clinical and cultural assessment modalities and can support clinicians in understanding perspectives from different points of view
Empowers team in supporting each other to gain
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Fosters and develops strong team diversity in assessment
Supports clinicians in developing models of healing and being
Recognises and responds to team limitations

Section 4: Leadership Competencies for Shared Understanding - Knowing where we are going

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Promotes the cultural treatment modalities in treatment planning
Promotes culturally nuanced language methods, privileges the ability to translate from clinical terminology to language that people understand
Encourages the use of person faith in supporting their journey
Promotes co-creation of treatment plans with all team members
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Able to confidently and competently articulate and interpret clinical and / or cultural formulations
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Ensures others in the organisation are familiar with and utilize cultural – clinical formulations. Can teach others how to incorporate cultural considerations into clinical concerns
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Demonstrates leadership in the cultural aspects of a case formulation
Implements multi-disciplinary team (MDT) approaches and processes for teams to share with one another and develop professionally
Demonstrates shared understanding in different situations including amongst team
Models co-creation, collaboration, and continuous reflection in relation to shared understanding

Section 5: Leadership Competencies for Collaborative Action - Hoisting Sails

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Attitude of actively promoting team collaboration in work completed
Aware of team members' different strengths in different areas
Recognises team need for growth and learning in skill areas
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Proactive in accessing or developing culturally appropriate interventions
Understands the different abilities and skills sets of team members
Understands areas of relative deficit / absence and knows how to access this information
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Can create sense of team support and encourages accountability amongst and between team members
Can coach team members through learning moments
Can set appropriate goals for team, and plans to accomplish these goals
Involved in development of pathways (protocols and processes) for common presentations
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Co-ordinates training and support on interventions (Pasifika and / or clinical) for staff
Implements and oversees evidenced based intervention guidelines for best practice
Provides pathways and opportunities for team development
Provides pathways for individual development
Develops and monitors use of (intervention) evaluation measures in service

Section 6: Leadership Competencies for Connections and Mapping - In a Fleet

For each competency, we ask you to rate your abilities from 1-3.
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Recognises that other agencies are part of our bigger 'team'
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Promotes awareness and recognition of all roles within the team/service to help build trust and integration
Empowers the team to strengthen relationships with other relevant agencies
Actively creates relationships with other agencies where possible
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Supports inter-professional collaborative learning (role shadowing, student/trainee placements)
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Communicates well with other community services and stakeholders and advocates for Pasifika PMHA workforce growth and opportunities
1. Developing (a lot of support required)2. Further Developed (some support required)3. Fully Developed (minimal or no support required)Not Applicable
Develops and fosters relationships between health and social service providers and community groups to address inequity and promote access to good housing, employment, education, and financial resources.
Supports upskilling and re-skilling of staff to support wider organisation and / or community when needed

Covid-19 Update

Face-to-face workshops will not continue while New Zealand is at Level 4. We will be in contact with all participants soon.